At Growing Greener Communities, we are passionate about protecting the environment and mitigating the impacts of climate change. We educate communities on the benefits of green stormwater infrastructure, habitat creation through landscape changes, reduction of impervious surfaces, and increased tree canopy cover. By working together, we can create vibrant, healthy waterways and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
Our Growing Greener Community Says
Thanks to the Growing Greener Communities initiative, we were outfitted with rain barrels in our yard. This allowed us to re-purpose the water flowing from the roof to replenish plants! We also had the opportunity to build a rain garden full of beautiful, native plants – a wonderful addition to our home! GGC is greening the garden at a time."
Vanessa Bullock
Board Member, Darby Creek Valley Association
Growing Greener Communities has created a new consciousness among our residents about how green infrastructure can protect them from flooding. For Upper Darby, an area that has both urban and suburban spaces, residents in all our communities are now contacting us to say they want to install green infrastructures like trees, downspout planters, pollinator gardens and rain gardens.
Thanks to DCVA and Growing Greener Communities!"
Bonnie Hallam
Upper Darby Tree Tender
"Birds and butterflies come to my yard because of the native plants. I'm happy to be making a difference for our environment while enjoying the beautiful flowers, shrubs and pollinators just outside my front door.
Heavy rains used to ricochet off the old concrete pavement and puddle on the paved area in my backyard for years. Now that LMC depaved and removed the concrete, rainwater irrigates my garden directly, and the stormwater run off from my roof does not add to the frequent flooding on my street in heavy rains.
Carson Clark,
Lower Merion Conservancy Member